Oak Tree Books has managed to become the fastest growing publishing house in the USA and threatens to become the main player.
How it all started

Before Oak Tree Books, there were authors. Now, Oak Tree Books consists of authors. In other words, the company was established by Mark Heimann, a prolific author based in New York. He became famous for his self help business books over the past decade. Until one day, when he decided to create a team with a similar author – Jason Bates.
Jason Bates is currently working at Oak Tree Books, but he is also a self help author and a motivational speaker.
The partnership came to life as a small business in 2010. It was so small that it had to approach authors in order to get something published. During the first year, it only published in house authors – its co-founders Mark Heimann and Jason Bates. In 2011, it became locally famous after releasing its first book from the outside. It was a science fiction novel that was quickly accepted by the audience and made it to all major bookstores.
When it all turned easy
You only need one big hit to become famous and the same rule applied to Oak Tree Books. After being successful with its first project, the business received a few requests from local authors. The talent was there and its co-founders knew it. By 2012, the publishing house was famous all across the USA. However, it was still relatively small, releasing not more than 10 books a year.
It took another year for Oak Tree Books to know the real success. By 2015, it had almost 150 books in its portfolio and the requests kept coming. The team was obviously expanded. These days, the company releases more than 1,000 books a year.
Ever since it was created, Oak Tree Books managed to double up the amount of books released by year – every new year. Its growth was massive and it became one of the best known publishing houses in the USA, as well as the fastest growing one. It has dozens of projects running simultaneously and the amount of work keeps going up, not to mention the team. As a direct consequence of this success, its co-founders took it easy with their personal projects, focusing on this unexpected growth instead.